What we did on 17.11.21
Great rehearsal last night – well done. Nice to welcome Bernard back to the piano stool. The sectional work was particularly useful and paid dividends. For the first time this term we were beginning to pay attention to dynamics and the words so that the drama started taking shape. This is a sign that confidence is growing!
I advised everyone to keep practising – listening to the piece a lot, and in addition to securing the notes, repeat any short phrases/passages over and over like an exercise, so it really sticks.
Sopranos and altos were developing really characterful singing in Nicolas was born. I’m not sure if references to midwives and trainee nurses were helpful, but there was definitely an improvement.
Tenors and basses were sounding positively tribal in movement 8, with a much better tonal blend and energy to the sound. Impressive.
Thank you and keep up the good work.
What we will do on 24.11.21
Rehearsal in St Mary’s Church at 7.30 (Carol singers meeting at 7.00)
Annual General Meeting at 9.00
Britten: Movements 5 and 9 (p76)
Run through of movt 2 (S&A)
Messiah: For unto us (p55) and He trusted (p115)
Looking forward to 01.12.21
Rehearsal will be in Holy Trinity Catholic Church, London Road 7.30
Britten movements 1, 4 and 7
Messiah – Worthy is the Lamb/Amen (p217)