Well done everyone for another fine rehearsal this week. Numbers continue to grow and it was great to see new members, who are all very welcome. Thanks to Kieron for accompanying and taking the S/A sectional – nice work, welcome aboard.
What we did on 15.09.21
Warmed up with page 46 – All people that on earth. Note that we are not observing any of the pauses except at the ends of verses. But of course, you will all be watching anyway!
Sectionals (S/A movement 2; T/B movement 4). We will return to these in detail in future, but the best way to consolidate the learning is to listen to the music as much as you can (see advice below) then the tunes will stick.
Movement 8 – We pulled this apart and tackled the first part of it (up to p68) working in paired voices. The challenge here is sticking to your notes! Each part is quite easy, but when sung in ensemble the ‘close harmony’ effect can lead you astray so chords can sound ‘muddy’ and out of tune. Again, slow patient work and familiarity are key – keep listening!
We ended with the nunc dimitis (p76) and the final hymn (p86) Again, only pause at the end of each verse.
What we will do on 22.09.21
Movements 7 – p56-61
Movement 1 – p2-4
Movement 8 p66-68
Messiah – Hallelujah chorus p171
What we will do on 29.09.21
Amongst other things we will start Movement 5 – p34
Which choruses are we singing from Messiah?
I have chosen some of my favourites, without apology, or any attempt to be consistent with the theme of Christmas or St Nicolas/Santa Claus, just a good sing! They are:
For unto us a child is born
Glory to God
He trusted in God
Hallelujah chorus (with audience participation)
Worthy is the lamb (Amen chorus)
Recordings of St Nicolas?
In last week’s Notes I pointed you towards my blog of March 23 for a link to an illustrated talk on St Nicolas and recordings. There are plenty available. The Corydon Singers (conductor Matthew Best) is good and the programme notes are also excellent.
Auditions for conductor
These are scheduled for 20.10.21. The following week is the half term break – there is no official rehearsal, but we might need it for auditions too.
Thank you everyone.