Well, this is exciting – my first post on ‘Conductor’s Notes’! I look forward to carrying on this excellent tradition from Peter, providing you with feedback on the rehearsals and what we’ll be looking at in the forthcoming week. I’ll also be sharing my ‘Piece of the Week’ – some suggested listening for your entertainment.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 2nd February!
What we did on 26.01.22
A massive thank you to Terry for stepping in at the last minute; I heard it went extremely well, and we’re incredibly luck to have such exceptional accompanists at our disposal! Thank you for your work on the Gloria – I’ve been assured it’s all slotting into place and that everyone is beginning to feel more confident with it. The introduction to the Kyrie sounds as though it was very useful and I look forward to hearing the progress on it next Wednesday.
What we will do on 02.02.22
Verdi Stabat Mater: Bar 160-End. I look forward to your story-telling with the text, and then creating a rich, warm sound on the build-up from Bar 185.
Puccini Kyrie: Full movement, focusing on the contrast of colour between the “Christe” and the “Kyries”.
Puccini Gloria: Figure 27-End, refreshing memories on the ‘fugue’ theme.
If there’s time: Puccini Credo: Beginning-Figure 3, reminding ourselves of the key ‘themes’.
Piece of the Week
Is actually a shameless promotion of the recently-released National Youth Choirs of Great Britain’s new Album from the Young Composer’s Scheme. As part of the NYCGB Fellowship we worked very closely with these 4 incredible young composers, including singing the pieces they wrote for us. Unfortunately I had a throat infection for the recording, but I’m phenomenally proud of the composers and singers on this album. Please have a listen!